날로 먹는영어24

2023. 8. 30. 14:35유튜브 영어 공부 정리

can you help me get out? - 나 좀 꺼내줄래요?

please. i'm stuck under here. - 제발요, 여기 밑에 갇혔어요.

you better take off. - 도망가는 게 좋을거야.

can i borrow your vest? - 조끼 빌려줄래요?

you're my lookout. i never forget a face. - 당신이 망봐주세요, 난 얼굴 안 까먹어요.


i just have insomnia. - 그냥 나 불면증이 있어.

someone came by looking for you. - 누가 너 찾으러 왔었어.

he said that you had something that you wanted to give back. - 너가 돌려주고 싶은 게 있다고 했어.

he seemed a little creepy. - 좀 괴상한 사람 같았어.

i have creepy taste in friends. - 내가 친구 취향이 좀 괴상한가보지.


i used to paint all the time. - 한때는 항상 그림을 그리곤 했지.

i need to take care of a few thing. - 몇 가지 해결할 일이 있어.

i need to clear my head. - 생각을 정리해야 해.

should i be worried? - 내가 걱정할 일이야?

take your time do whatever need to do. - 충분히 시간을 갖고 너한테 필요한 거 뭐든지 해.


i couldn't get a reservation for the night of my birthday. - 내 생일 밤 예약을 못 했어.

so we'll have to do dinner thursday night instead. - 그래서 대신 우리 목요일에 저녁먹자.

which one of us should go to dinner? - 우리 중에 누가 저녁먹으러 가면 좋을까?

i'll put a lot of extra thought into your gift. - 너 선물에 특별히 더 신경 쓸게.

we all haven't been together the six of us. - 우리 여섯 명 다 모이는 거 진짜 오랜만이다.

'유튜브 영어 공부 정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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