날로 먹는영어23

2023. 8. 29. 13:47유튜브 영어 공부 정리

i remember having to send a good friend of mine home every month. - 매달 좋은 친구들을 집으로 보내야 했던 기억이 나요.

because they got eliminated from the test. - 왜냐면 평가에서 떨어졌거든요.

everything that i did was wrong. - 제가 한 모든 게 틀렸죠.

i hated it whenever they would say "come home". - 집에 오라고 말씀하실 때마다 싫었어요.

that was the last thing i wanted to hear. - 그게 제일 듣고싶지 않았던 말이었어요.


i'm trying to buy a camera today. - 오늘 카메라 좀 사려고요.

this is definitely the next step for me. - 저의 새 장비로 완벽하네요.

new cameras inspire me. - 저는 새 카메라에서 영감을 받아요.

i'm ready to shoot tomorrow. - 내일 촬영 준비 완료네요.

invest in yourself. it's worth it. - 자신한테 투자하세요. 그럴 가치가 있어요.


i would have said yes to anybody. - 누구한테라도 예스라고 했을거야.

i'm not helping. - 나는 도움이 안되네.

you were engaged to my best friend. - 넌 내 가장 친한 친구와 약혼했었어.

i thought he was your best friend. - 나는 걔가 너의 가장 친한 친구라고 생각했어.

this isn't the right room. - 이 방이 아니네.


my mom recorded me. - 엄마가 절 촬영했어요.

she told me that she was gonna send the record version to my grandma. - 촬영한 걸 할머니에게 보낼 거라고 했어요.

i didn't even think of that. - 그건 생각지도 못했어요.

anything hard or difficult for you about it? - 어렵거나 힘든 거는 없었니?

can i have another burger please? - 햄버거 하나 더 주실 수 있나요?

'유튜브 영어 공부 정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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