날로 먹는영어25

2023. 8. 31. 08:00유튜브 영어 공부 정리

we'd get a day off every fortnight. - 우리는 2주마다 하루씩 쉬곤 했어요.

there's this basic routine you have to learn in dancing. - 춤에서 배워야하는 기본 루틴이 있어요.

i'll just teach you the first moves. - 내가 첫 동작을 가르쳐줄게.

i'd never danced in my life. - 저는 살면서 춤을 춰 본적이 없었어요.

i am going to become like you. - 나는 너처럼 될 거야.


i heard apple pie was your favor. - 애플파이를 좋아하신다고 들었어요.

apple has a little light bite kind of savory, something subtle. - 사과 덕분에 가벼우면서 향긋하고 미묘한 맛이 나네요.

you need to go ahead and hit that vegan bakery one time. - 그 비건 베이커리에는 언제 한번 꼭 가봐야 되.

i understand, but by the end of the day, i'll make you vegan. - 이해해, 근데 오늘 결국엔 내가 너를 채식주의자로 만들어줄게.

i'm gonna give you some vegan chicken too. - 비건 치킨도 만들어 드릴게요.


we're on our way to a couple of parties. - 우리는 파티 몇 개 하러 가는 길이예요.

she has a boyfriend, and what is your situation? - 저분은 애인이 있고, 그 쪽은 어떻죠?

it's complicated. i don't actually have a boyfriend. - 좀 복잡해요. 남자친구는 없는데...

then can i have your number? - 그럼 연락처 줄래요?

i'll give you a call later tonight. - 이따 밤에 전화할게요.


are you and your mom close? - 엄마랑 친해요?

i got kicked out of the house. - 저는 집에서 쫓겨났어요.

i moved in with my godparents who adopted me at 22. - 22살 때 저를 입양한 대부모님 집에 들어갔어요.

you had a lot going on as a child. - 어렸을 때 많은 일을 겪으셨네요.

come here. i just wanna hug you. - 이리 와요. 안아주고 싶어요.

'유튜브 영어 공부 정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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