날로 먹는영어16

2023. 8. 22. 11:26유튜브 영어 공부 정리

i was thinking of moving the couch over here. - 소파를 이쪽으로 옮길까 생각 중이었어.

why would you want to do that? - 왜 그러려고 하는데?

so that there would be a decent place for me to sit. - 그래야 내가 앉을 자리가 생길 거 아냐.

what's the big deal? - 뭐가 그리 대수야?

the big deal is that it is the exact equal distance from the bathroom to the kitchen. - 문제는 그게 욕실에서 주방까지 정확히 같은 거리란거야.


what do you do because you want to? - 너가 좋아서 하는 일은 뭔데?

you're gonna get run over. - 너 차에 치이겠어.

my dad and i used to come out here. - 아버지랑 여기에 종종 왔었어.

you don't do what you want. - 너는 너가 하고 싶은 일을 하지 않잖아.

you need to learn how to trust. - 너는 믿는 법을 배워야 해.


i have been begging you for months and you did... you cleaned. - 몇 달간 부탁했는데 이제 드디어 청소를 했네?

and nagging works. - 그리고 잔소리가 효과가 있었네.

was i cleaning in my sleep again? - 내가 또 자면서 청소한거야?

i distinctly remember because i thought it was a joke. - 똑똑히 기억나 왜냐하면 나는 농담인 줄 알았거든.

well, usually when i'm this anxious i clean. - 음... 난 불안하면 청소를 해야되.


how fast did the rise come for you on Tiktok? - 틱톡에서 얼마나 빨리 유명해졌나요?

it actually took me a while. - 실은 한참 걸렸어요.

no one to collaborate with, i made videos by myself. - 협력할 사람이 없어서 혼자서 동영상을 만들었어요.

school was stressful for me. - 저는 학교가 너무 힘들었어요.

i didn't really fit in. - 정말 적응을 못 했죠.

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