날로 먹는 영어15

2023. 8. 21. 06:39유튜브 영어 공부 정리

it must not be effective. - 그거 효과가 없나봐요.

there is no results, can't be measured. - 아무 결과가 없고, 측정할 수가 없죠.

you can screw it up. - 망칠 수도 있죠.

i'm not exactly sure what day, - 언제일지는 정확히 모르겠지만,

but i know, you'll start getting into shape. - 저는 알아요 당신의 몸이 좋아지고 있을 거라는 걸요.


where's the turkey meat? - 칠면조 고기 어딨어요?

no one bought that fancy stuff but you. - 그런 고급스러운 건 너 말고는 아무도 안사.

the light bill is more. - 전기세 더 많이 나와요.

go to the supermarket like everyone else. - 그냥 다른 사람들처럼 슈퍼마켓으로 가.

you know they don't let dogs in there. - 거긴 개 출입금지잖아요.


you're both so important to me. - 너희 둘 다 나한테 너무 소중해.

that way we all get to do it once and no one would get upset. - 그렇게 하면 모두 마음 상하는 일 없이 한번씩 하잖아.

you guys get to decide. - 너네가 정해.

of course we will help you decide. - 물론 너가 정하는 걸 우리가 도울게.

excuse me. i couldn't help overhearing. - 실례합니다. 엿듣지 않을 수 없었어요.


i don't know what's up in my mind. - 내 마음을 모르겠어요.

i'm trying to be rational. - 나는 이성적이려고 노력하고 있어요.

what are you trying to figure out. - 뭘 알아내려는 거예요?

i know a million guys like you. - 당신 같은 남자는 수도 없이 봤어요.

i'm not even entertaining this conversation. - 이제 이 대화가 즐겁지도 않네요.

'유튜브 영어 공부 정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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