날로 먹는 영어5

2023. 8. 1. 11:50유튜브 영어 공부 정리

i thought it was just me. - 나만 그런 줄 알았네.

there's no need. - 필요 없거든요.

how long were you dating for? - 얼마동안 사귀었는데?

we were just talking about each other's types. - 우리 그냥 서로의 이상형에 대해서 얘기하고 있었어.

i think i can't relate to you. - 난 너를 공감할 수 없을 거 같아.


you're all here already. - 니네 이미 다 모였구나.

we can't make a reservation for 4 people. - 4명은 예약을 못한대.

here's another one. - 여기에 하나 더 있어.

do you still keep in touch with him? - 걔랑은 계속 연락하고 지내니?

i've just become friends with him recently. - 걔랑 친해진지 얼마 안됐어.


i'm completely on the same page. - 나도 완전 동감해.

thank you for all your efforts today. - 오늘 고생하셨습니다.

i feel like everyone has a little bit of a bad side to them. - 사람은 누구나 단점이 있다고 생각해.

i think i'm gonna pass out tonight. - 오늘 밤에 뻗을 거 같다.

it's six days before my birthday. - 내 생일 6일 전이야.


i hope it all goes well. - 그게 다 잘되면 좋겠다.

just ignore him he's teasing you. - 걔 그냥 무시해. 너 놀리는 거야.

don't freak out. - 당황하지마.

i don't know if it's biking distance. - 자전거로 갈 수 있는 거리인지는 모르겠어.

i just feel like you already hit the limit. - 너가 어떤 한계점에 이미 다다랐다는 생각이 들어.

'유튜브 영어 공부 정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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