날로 먹는영어34

2023. 9. 11. 13:02유튜브 영어 공부 정리

this view is amazing. - 여기 경치 끝내준다.

he called me, said you guys are looking for a bigger house. - 너네가 더 큰 집 알아보고 있다고 걔가 전화했어.

i told him to reach out to you. - 너한테 연락하라고 내가 말했어.

there's nowhere to take a stroller. - 유모차를 끌 만한 곳이 없어.

we are maxed out at our house. - 우리 집은 포화 상태에요.


i'm an over-analyzer. - 저는 생각을 지나치게 해요.

walk me through that. - 자세히 얘기해줘요.

are your parents still together? - 부모님이 함께 지내세요?

no, they are not. they've been divorced since i was five. - 아뇨, 제가 5살 때 이혼했어요.

am i going to be just following in the footsteps of everyone else in my family. - 제가 우리 가족 모두의 전철을 밟게 될까요?


where are you going? - 어디 가?

for a walk. - 산책하러.

oh, you mind if i join you? - 같이 가도 되지?

i'd rather be alone. - 혼자있고 싶어.

i really need to organize my thoughts. - 생각 정리할 것들이 있어.


do you wanna come up? - 올라갈래?

there seems to be lots of reasons why i shouldn't. - 내가 그러면 안 될 이유가 많을 거 같은데.

give me five minutes? - 5분만 시간을 줄래?

you've got to go. - 너 가야 돼.

my boyfriend who was in america is in fact now in the next room. - 미국에 있던 내 남자친구가 사실 지금 옆방에 있어.

'유튜브 영어 공부 정리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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